Gay Travel

Journey Through LGBT Friendly Destinations in Southeast Asia

Gay travel is relatively new to the region, although Thailand has experienced for a longer period of time the flow of gay travel. Lolei Travel is not new to gay travel. We have an understanding of the preferences of gay couples and cater to every need in detail. We offer gay travelers the intimacy and exclusivity often missing on tour. In a region where public affection between straight couples is hardly accepted, to express affection between gay couples in public seems unthinkable. At Lolei Travel we understand that this could lead to frustration among gay couples. We have designed programs that include the highlights but allow for more intimate experiences away from the crowds. 

To Lolei Travel, gay travel includes the following aspects:

Over the years we built up a relationship with our partners in the industry that are referred to as “gay friendly” and maintain that relationship carefully. Where some countries in Asia may still be conservative about the idea of gay travel, Thailand and Cambodia in particular enjoy a very open mind to it. Laos is a new destination and a place where many gay couples have opened up gay friendly businesses. In Vietnam, especially the southern part, the scene has busted right open. More and more gay orientated businesses are opening up in the North of Vietnam as well. Like anywhere else, it pays off to do extensive research on what is available and how the community in Asia receives gay couples traveling together.

Keep in mind that general safety starts with your own preparation, as in any part of the world. Being gay is nothing new to this region and gay travel is safe as long as you omit to the basic rules of travel safety in general. Prepare yourself by reading in on customs and be a model traveler.

The facilities we have selected for you, accommodations, restaurants and bars cater perfectly to gay travel. They offer a no-hassle environment that makes you feel ultimately safe and appreciated. Combine it with the intellectual input of experts, the off the beaten trails and the intimate arrangements and you have a great holiday. Share and celebrate your travels with your partner in peace. Let us know your preferences and we will tailor a perfectly fitting tour for you.

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Your Travel Expert

Lolei Travel understands the wishes and needs for gay travel. Even though the region is very liberal and open to gay travelers, it is always good to have someone at your site who connects you to intimate experiences and compassionate hosts.

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Get inspired to design your tailor-made vacation in Southeast Asia

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